My Stars!

"My Stars" 67 x 72 Pieced during class by lqg taught by Tony Jacobson His pattern for Fons and Porter Quilting by Steph Jacobson long-arm I won free long-arming at a local modern quilt guild a couple months ago UFO from a couple years ago done! I thought it would be fun to do stars in stripes in non-traditional colors. Back is just large leftover pieces. Just playing around with angles because the quilt is actually a blue green color and it looks really green here. Most of the fabrics were from Hobby Lobby from a while ago. When I took the class I vowed to use only fabrics I already had and I think it turned out pretty interesting looking. I am so happy to have another UFO done. I am doing the All People Quilt UFO 2017 challenge (but not necessarily in order) HERE Linking up with Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation and Lorna @ Sew Fresh Quilts Let's Bee social and Can I get a W...