Before the Fall...

It has been ages since I have posted here. I had great intentions of course but just never seemed to get to the sewing machine much and so I felt I had nothing to post. On clearing off my phone photos I found I DID have some things of a creative nature going on. So first up is a newly made berm. We had a huge pile of dirt left over from replacing our front stoop and so we dumped here in the back yard and tried my hand at a bit of landscaping. My husband made a small bubbler out of a huge rock from the farm and I planted. We loved all the bees and bugs and butterflies this summer. The birdhouse was also added and I can not tell you how much time we spent watching a family of wrens being created! Some of the amazing summer color. Then right before the county fair and an outdoor quilt show I was going to participate in I fell at an outdoor guild swap sale. I don't even know how I did it but these knee bruises are post fall by 3 weeks. I still have bruising and scar ...