
Showing posts with the label trip around the world

P.Q. 16. 4 - Birthstone

Project Quilting this round is Birthstone and my month is Alexandrite. Not my favorite at all and yet I happen to have some fabric that is not only that color but also sparkly. Hard to see but bottom L you can see the shimmer from the lamp.  I was not going to do this challenge because of time but when there is no time it seems you get more done.  I went with a tried and true hexi layout. The fabric bundle had 6 shimmery pieces and I added 2 that I happen to have that looked good.  Another kid size quilt for giving!  All the pieces have some kind of gold shimmer which adds to the jewel color I think.  I did diamond quilting which is more visible here. My photos have been limited this week because of a neck bother that won't go away. I am still able to work on stuff but only in certain positions. ugh I am linking up with Project Quilting  HERE Go check out the other entries! I also have an update on my guilds sew day charity quilt talk. The pieces I took to ...

Stack, Strip or QAYG your way to quick charity quilts

------------------------------------------------------------------------ Recently I was asked to demo at our local guilds sew day, how to make some quilts quickly for charity. I have been making kids quilts mostly over the years at a reasonable pace, a few here and a few there. Then I got evolved in my church sewing group several years ago. That group makes bed rolls for homeless clients by using all kinds of textiles like drapery, discarded bedding sheets and blankets, canvas, fleece etc. But we also had boxes and boxes of donated cotton fabrics. Old fashioned calicos from the 80's and some kids prints. In order to work in our area freely something at to be done to empty some of the boxes. I started by cutting squares and sewing the cottons with denim squares (we also have still, boxes and boxes of donated denim jeans). Simply sewn and then layered with flannel and backed and tied. I am a quilter though and so I have made many quilts in various patterns so that I could quilt them...

County Fair finish 2 - ufo and two others

This was a fun quilt to make. It is a free pattern on the Tilda website. I wanted to do an applique quilt for a long time and I do love a dresden.  I did a simple diamond quilting over the top of applique. I was not sure how hard it would be to quilt myself. It wasn't! I love everything about this one. The pattern the colors how the blocks came together. So scrappy and fun. Perfect to finish for the county fair. So glad I did. I received Judges choice and a blue! I made this quilt bigger but was not sure how much bigger so I had some extra blocks I put on the back.  66"x 76" approx. My other 2 entries I have posted about before. More about this trip around the world   HERE got a Blue ribbon and  My Bee mate quilt Notan got a blue too! Read about it  HERE

Sooo behind -Telephone Game

So long ago and so far away.......I made this quilt back in May I believe. I wanted something fun and quick and I mainly wanted to use up some of my fabrics. I used a FQ of this super cute telephone fabric. I attempted to fussy cut the bits and most of them worked but not all. Still I like it. The telephone was key because I had other telephone fabric to use on the back. two shades even. I love it! I was on a mission to use all the scraps from the front so just stuck them in the back.  "Telephone Game" I love these colors together. I forgot how big this is but pretty sure a large throw size. Since the time of making this quilt. I did work on a few for the county fair out of my stash but then I got started making kids quilts with a group of ladies at my church.  I have not posted all summer and fall it seems but I have made over 50 kids quilts, receiving blankets  and contributed to making over a 100 bedrolls from unwanted textiles for the homeless.  I wil...

A Lovely Year of Finishes -May edition

I was thinking of what I wanted to do this month vs. what I think I can get done. hmmmm? Last month I managed to accomplish a lot so this month I might as well commit myself to something I have put off.  For Christmas last year I wanted to make a little Husker doll blanket for my great niece Sophia.  My husband had an old doll bed from when he was little and we thought we could clean it up a bit and paint it and make it like new.  So.... I had some Husker fabric and I wanted to make a "Little Twister" quilt. I knew the fallout from the blocks would make a cute "Trip around the world" quilt for my doll blanket.  The holes above I cut out my Twister blocks.   This is my quilt top so far.  I promptly folded it up and put it on a shelf so now I have to finish it!!! Thanks to  A Lovely year of finishes   we will see what I can come up with. It is pretty small...maybe 34" square. Any ideas are welcome??? Here is the finished doll bl...