Rip It Out when you Must!

If you have to rip out Quilting - How to Quickly Rip it out!

Recently I tried to do a wavy free motion quilting design on my quilt top that was extra curvy. After a couple rows I could see and feel that this was going to be too hard to complete the whole quilt that way so I "HAD" to rip it out!  I was able to rip out the lines pretty quickly with some simple tools I was already using.

1. First pick out or break every 3rd or 4th thread along the line of quilting on one side of your work.
2.  Next flip your work over and find the broken end of thread at the beginning of your row of stitching and pull up. It should unravel the whole length of your ripping.
4. Now you are left with tiny bits of thread on both sides. The wrong side might have some strings pulled all the way out ready to be picked up and the other side might show stitches or loops still in place.
I happened to still have one quilting glove on so I gently rubbed the line of stitching and all the little threads popped out.  (quilting gloves...see below)

5. Blue painters tape will pick up all the threads by either dabbing or rubbing along the line of quilting.  Done!
**** Note on quilting gloves - I recently was in Costco and they had a special on 6 pairs of rubberized garden gloves in bright colors for under $7.00. These are one size fits all and I have rather large hands so these work great for me.
6 Pairs!!!
They are full rubber material on one side and light mesh on the back AND fun colors. I figured at that price they were well worth a try. I was worried some of the rubber would crumble off or rub onto white fabric but nope...all good. Normally I use another brand of glove but they are white and show all the dirty rubber fingers from pencil markings and the like. These do not show anything so far and if they do ...not much of a loss as I have 5 more pairs. :)



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