A scrappy QAYG = Diatom

Over the years I have experimented with QAYG quilts. I really love when you can make something from ALL the scraps. I used scrap fabrics, scrap batting and use up thread colors in bobbins that I don't normally use up. ( I actually like using up the bobbin threads from other machine too as I never have the color I need and never have empty bobbins so...?) I ..........LOVE doing this! All of it. I am so satisfied using up batting bits as my foundations. Strips, squares...they all work. This block was a happy accident. I had no idea how it was going to come together and I made more blocks than I used so ya know...another quilt probably ...hahaha Me trying to use the remote..haha If you can't laugh at yourself..right? Better..haha I had this one done the day I did the quilt parade last week. HERE are the ones from last week Speaking of using scraps, I asked a few guild members if they had batting strips they didn't know what to do with. I scored a few bags of s...