Inspiration all around

It was a really snowy day but I wanted the chance to take a photo of my newly finished "Chihuly Inspired" quilt outside of the Josleyn Musuem. The snow was still everywhere so I got the courage to go in and ask if I could take a quick pic onthe rails. Afterall, it was inside that I first saw the large installation of the Chihuly Glowing Gemstone Polyvito Chandelier. (blown plastic) Up close you can see the fun quilting design. I worked with Marsha from Dog Ear Creek Quilts to come up with something that would enhance but not take away from this fun layout. This quilt was made with one of my all time favorite things, The Quick Curve Ruler (QCR) and the pattern can be found in the books from Sew Kind of Wonderful . I love their rulers and on a mission to make several of their patterns. This layout of colors and fabrics was my own design. I wish you could see the glittery gold fabrics that make up some of the orbs. Since the pics o...