A few of my favorite things.....

as I reflect on the year and get ready for the new one. I started 2017 full of spunk and was able to sew and finish a few things. As we got closer to the end of March it was obvious that we had to start our kitchen/dining room remodel. I don't have pictures of tearing out steps and laying new floor or moving a door in the dining room but I did take a few shots of the kitchen. It changed from a lovely harvest gold to modern grey and white. No outside windows in the kitchen made this a huge challenge. I wanted to get enough light in but because of our roof (which also got replaced during this time) we were limited to what we could add. Most walls were replaced. Soffit was taken out. Taller cabinets were installed. Currently have tile up and grouted this week but waiting to put sealer on. So exciting to be almost done. We upcycled an old cabinet into a movable island and we love it. A small saddle stool fits under the back. ...