Remember when

I joined the New Blogger Blog Hop 2013 ? (Check it out, I think my answers are still the same as what I wrote about then) Wow that seems so long ago. Guess what? I still love blogging about what I am doing creatively. This year it has been kind of a bumpy road getting back into quilting. I never stopped but had many delays last year because my husband and I decided to remodel our kitchen and dining area ourselves. This year I have been working on catching up with many outreach and charity projects. I planned a project for our local National Quilting Day Celebration at the International Quilt Study Center and Museum. Two quilts were made and donated to the local Child Advocacy Center. Read more here about Love of every day things . I taught a class to help guild members be more confident with using the Quick Curve Ruler made by Sew Kind of Wonderful This quilt made by members of the classes and the q...