Moth (er) and the County fair is over

This is My Moth(er) 42 x 38 Tula Pink book Pattern -Ikat Moth freemotion quilted circles over moth and wavy lines over background By now if you follow me you know I am really an emotional quilter/crafter. I attach to certain things I choose and often it comes from a somewhere deep inside that usually circles back to my mom. "You and I possess within ourselves - at every moment of our lives, under all circumstances, the power to transform the quality of our lives. Knowing that is what the work is all about." - Werner Erhard I put that quote on the label of this quilt because this was a huge learning curve for me. I chose to use these vibrant colors inspired from the Madegascan Moon Moth. I think many moths are beautiful and live such short lives. This quilt taught me lots of patience which is burned into a memory of my mother when she started getting sick. 1" strips sewn down to 1/2" makes for a very thick quilt. The skinny li...