
"Hygge " 12.5 x 37.5 freemotion quilting random designs Hygge - Danish word roughly translates to coziness. I came across a news show one night about a year or so ago that was talking about searching for Hygge. I fell in love with how this little word can be and mean so much. Hygge pronounced hoo ga, can mean an atmosphere of relaxation and gratitude. A feeling of contentment or well being, a sanctuary. Hygge can be the smell of cinnamon buns baking or the warm toasty feel of a fire place on a cold night. Hygge can be a smile in passing or a tip of the hat in greeting. Hygge can be taking pleasures in the presence of gentle soothing things. That is why I made this word banner to hang in my sewing room. Linking up with crazymom quilts and can I get a whoop whoop