UFO finish

This quilt was finished earlier this summer for the book release by Kelly Young. It's the Midnight Mystery qal quilt by Meadow Mist designs back in 2015. I had the top and some of the fabrics tucked away ready to sew up a back. But I put it away. Here is the top from Jan of 2016. It was a perfect UFO to finish using Kelly Young's new book Perfectly Pieced Quilt Backs . I used 2 pieces of fabric that matched up and found another in my stash by the same designer. I had a half of a block so might as well use it up. I think it turned out pretty good and looks intentional which is the beauty of the book ideas for piecing backs. I am so happy to have finished an old UFO. Previous post Linking up with Cheryl @ Meadow Mist Design for Favorite Finish 2023 Quilt parade: Baubles quilt and book review for Kelly Young Fun Flannel 3 Flannel quilts , 2 homeless pillows and a Tilda Cow Sundown on Scraps a scrap art quil...