A tale of two Quilt Guilds

My two local Modern Guilds had a mini quilt swap between them. We met up last Saturday to exchange the quilts and have a bit of meet and greet. There were 15 from each guild that signed up to swap. My partner and I chatted by email and FB and then met up on a sew day. "Bad Romance" on the Left is my sample "Just Dance" on the Right is my finished swap piece Fun at the park on this photo shoot. I could not resist the bicycle wheels on the dinosaur. My partner suggested colors of blue green, green blue, greens, burgundy and mustard. I tried to come up with a soothing combination for her. We tried to pick a page number and then find a quilt book with something good on that page. I was stuck The only thing that was remotely possible was a simple drunkards path block. Then I found Tula Pink's book in my stash. I found in the book this Eclipse pattern. Straight line quilting I also included a piece of fabric from my ...