Quilt as you go - Zippered cosmetic bags

Okay here is my attempt at bringing to you the Quilted Zipper bags I had so much fun making for Christmas. 

What you need: 
Scraps of fabric for the quilted part
2 pieces of lining fabric (mine were 9 x 10 for the large and 7x 8 for the smaller) Size is optional or go by your zipper size
1 piece of backing same size as above or you can quilt up scraps
2 pieces of batting same as the size of lining
1 zipper to length (I used mainly 7 and 9 inch zippers)

First I layer one piece of batting onto my backing and quilt the two together.

Next is the fun part. I found a bunch of scraps that go together.One I sort of use as the focal point and lay it down first on a layer of batting. I like to off center it so it is sort of wonky when done. Lay flat and top stitch how you want. I like lines spaced or organic lines. It is up to you. 

Now you are ready to sew the next piece on. Right sides together and seam it to one side or top and bottom. Flip it open after your seam and you are ready to quilt it down. 

Keep going until the whole surface is quilted. Next you need to trim it to size. I just make sure the front and back and lining all are the same at this point. You also are ready to get your zipper ends on. I use scrap fabrics for this. Usually about 2"x4" scrap works. 

You can make these as long or as short as you want it just depends on how long you need your zipper to be. I find that the longer you make the zipper tabs the less bulk in the seam but it is up to you. 
Fold over the ends of the zipper and top stitch. 

Now you are ready to put the zipper in. Lay your quilted scrap side face up (right sides up). Lay zipper right side down. As you can see the tabs you made help the zipper fit nicely.

Now lay your lining fabric also right side facing down. You have a sandwich which will be kind of bulky but you can do it. I put my zipper foot on and am ready to seam along the teeth sewing through all layers. Next take it to the iron and press the lining and the front fabric away from the zipper so you can top stitch through all layers. This keeps the lining from creeping up and getting caught in the teeth later during use. 

Now you are ready to do the other side. You have to sandwich the lining zipper and quilted backing. Looking at the picture is easiest.  Next iron lining and backing away from zipper and top stitch it again. 

 Open up your pieces so that the lining right sides face each other and your quilted front and back face each other also. Now you are ready to sew around the bag. **It is best to go slow over the seams where the zipper tabs are. Fold the bulk up towards the right side teeth of the zipper. It will lay better when you are done. You need to leave and opening to turn the bag in your lining bottom. AND **** you must open your zipper at this point or you will be crying later when you can't get the bag turned. :)
 Sew all the way around back to your open end of lining. Before you turn you need to box out all for of your corners. (2 in lining and 2 in quilted bag)
 Lay the seams open on your corner and line the side seam up with the bottom seam. I put a pin through to see if it was lined up. I marked a line of 1 1/2" across and put a seam. This gives a little box to your bag but you can make it whatever size you want. 
Now trim and repeat for all the corners. 
 Ready to turn. With the box corners the bag turns out easily. Before you stuff the lining in you have to sew up the opening. 
 I sew this up by machine because my hand sewing needs work. To me this is much stronger. I fold the seam allowance to the inside and stitch very close to the edge. 
 Stuff the lining inside. Poke the zipper tab area a little to give it a sort of rounded appearance. If you want you can sew a scrap of fabric into a narrow pull tab (about 8" long then cut in two for two bags) I used a jewelry lanyard and threaded the strip of fabric through and tied it up. So cute!

Done and ready to gift or use. 
I hope you have as much fun as I did making these. 


I just found your blog from Freshly Pieced WIP Wednesday. Love these bags and am excited to try this. I have two daughters, grown, that travel and these will be great fun and a good use of scraps.
tbear said…
These are cute bags and look easy to make. Adding this blog to my favs ;)

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