One room school house P.Q. 14.4 #2

Okay I am winning against myself again ....I was looking through my stash for my Pride and Prejudice fabric scraps when I came across this bag of fabric from the 80's. You know back when calico fabric cost less than $5 a yard and it was most often than not 45" wide not counting the selvedge. Well I chose burgandy and forest green fabrics back then and they even ended up being my wedding colors. Oh gosh, can't believe I still had some of this stuff. Anyway, I thought this fabric looks more like Little house on the praire than Pride and Prejudice (you can see what I made with the P and P fabric HERE ) So thoughts of Little house on the Praire by Laura Ingalls Wilder Rebecca of Sunny Brook Farm by Kate Wiggin Anne of Green Gables by LM Montgomery all fit this fabric. So I searched for something inspiring and found this pattern called "One room school house" by Diane Nagle and jumped in. It measure aprox. 43" x 43" it has plaidish orgainic line quiltin...