Hands2Help -22

I am once again participating in Hands2Help comfort quilt challenge. This year Mari @ Academic Quilter is hosting. You can find out more information by clicking on the link above. I chose the Little Lambs Foundation for Kids again. I am also working on several comfort quilts for my local Quilts for Kids . So far I am working on an idea for a scrappy quilt. I am using bright or solid 6.5" squares I cut out of a box of scrapped FQ's. I have just enough to make the quilt using my randomly sewn together scrap strips. I think this is going to work and be fun!! I made a couple sample blocks and love the wonky mix mash of strips. We shall see. In other progress lately, I worked on a Kawandi quilt. This is handmade quilt starting from the outside in. I did not use batting in mine as I was not sure how it was going to work. I turned under the edges of the top most pieces and stitched it all down with big stitch. I really liked the...