Persimon Dreams The final Challenge

Here it is ...the Final Challenge. I don't know how to even go about telling Kim over at Persimon Dreams how much I have enjoyed participating in her Project Quilting this season. It has helped me get back into quilting and sewing which I was not sure I was even going to do again. Last year in the spring, my Mom got sick and we ended up having to move her to a nursing care facility. She was 93 and lived by herself in a house across the road from our old farm. Mom passed away and we buried her the day before her 94th birthday in the fall. I learned almost everything I know about sewing from her and we shared a love of quilts. When I saw the Project Quilting challenge I felt I had to give it a go. The challenges were just fun and no pressure on judging or even finishing. My mom loved the t.v. show Project Runway and I think secretly wished she could do something like that. I just thought it would be a great tribute to her to partici...