There's a kind of Hush...

"A kind of hush" 15.5" x 15.5" Black and white mini challenge Improv pieced Sheer overlay Machine and hand quilted I wanted to participate in Curated Quilts Mini Black and White Challenge so I started thinking of movement in air in water and in thought. I soon felt stuck and put it aside for a few days. I was on FB and saw a photograph someone had taken of a really cool zen stack of rocks and the sun peaking through a crack between the stones. The hole was perfect and allowed rays of the sun to explode out through the hole. I was so inspired by the beauty and calm that I walked into my sewing room last night and jumped back into my movement of air, water and thought. Out came .... A Kind of Hush. I played around with the improv shapes but it felt too something? I always like to try new things and thought why not try a sheer overlay to calm it down. I have a stash of clothing fabrics and found th...