There's a kind of Hush...

"A kind of hush" 
15.5" x 15.5" 
Black and white mini challenge
Improv pieced
Sheer overlay
Machine and hand quilted

so I started thinking of movement in air in water and in thought. I soon felt stuck and put it aside for a few days. 
I was on FB and saw a photograph someone had taken of a really cool zen stack of rocks and the sun peaking through a crack between the stones. The hole was perfect and allowed rays of the sun to explode out through the hole. 
I was so inspired by the beauty and calm that I walked into my sewing room last night and jumped back into my movement of air, water and thought. 
Out came ....
A Kind of Hush. 

I played around with the improv shapes but it felt too something? I always like to try new things and thought why not try a sheer overlay to calm it down. 
I have a stash of clothing fabrics and found this sheer white organdy. I was scared it would be hard to sew but it quilted up nicely with my walking foot. 
I then needed to bring some of the movement back to the forefront and chose to use black perle cotton hand quilting. 
I think it works!

The backing also fits my calm theme. 
I made a facing following a new video I came across on the Bernina We All Sew Invisible Faced Binding

Since this project was small I did it. I like the tutorial except I had trouble with turning the corners and having them pull enough fabric to the back. The extra bulk of that sheer organza made the edges slippery. I need to tuck the corners slightly at the bottom and on the top I stitched them down around the outside leaving openings for a hanging bar. I think it is okay. 

I am happy with the movement and the flow of the design. It is hard to photograph something with a sheer overlay though and you don't want to press with a too hot iron.  Can you tell I say this from experience?  Anyway it is a bit crinkly with layers. I will definitely try a sheer overlay again. 


Jen said…
I really like it!! And yes, it is difficult to photograph that sheer stuff. I think your photos turned out great!

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