WIP turned into a Finish!

It has been a strange week. I got really motivated to get going on things in some challenges I have been in. I knew the Memorial weekend was coming up but that I would have time after to have a nice month of finishes at the end. Wrong! I totally forgot about the Persimon Dreams "My Favorite Block Quilt Along" which is due May 25th. I made 12 of the 20 blocks. Two of them I made twice so I figured why not go for a finish. One of my blocks is not exactly what it was supposed to be ...it was a paper pieced fiasco but the others turned out pretty well. I have 13 blocks on the front and one of my favs on the back. Close up of my spiral quilting. I now know there is a wrong way to spiral. Let's hope I remember that for next time. :) I am happy for the finish! I think it turned out pretty cute.