So Sew Mojo?? and AYoLF anyway
I am hoping it is something like riding a bike, tying your shoes or boiling water. I think "sewing mojo" needs to be nourished as much as possible but sometimes life just happens and there is nothing you can do about it. Earlier this month I had a strange neck injury that I had to baby. I was on such a sewing high the last few months that when this hit all I could do was walk around and look at all I wanted to be doing. Then a family member got sick and my focus had to change again. In order to keep any kind of mojo I tried not to let it all get me down. Good thing 'we' quilters know the importance of seeing and touching our favorite fabrics for therapy and comfort. :) After much study of my project goal for the month of July with A year of Lovely finishes at Freshly pieced and Sew Bittersweet designs I finally just took my own advice and jumped in to the project and ended up with a "Lovely" finish for July. My goal was to figure out ho...