All scraps all the way

Strippy Scraps quilt. Another all scraps all the way....scrap batting, scrap binding bits and scrap bag bits. I even went to an old machine I don't use often and emptied out most of the bobbins using up thread that was not getting much love. This quilt was so fun to make just mindlessly sewing scraps of the same size together. I usually make the stripping about 15 to 20 inches wide then trim up. I just plunk the chunks on the wall and fit them together. So much satisfaction to use these up. Like I said in yesterday's post about the baby scrap quilts... sometimes you just get tired of some fabrics in your stash and you just want to use them up. So I used up some on the back too! Kind of crazy looking but so is the front. Yay...using my scrap stash....and the journey keeps on going. Stay tuned for more scrappy things. 48" x 60" 2023 Quilt parade: 2 scrap bag strip set quilts 2 More Baby Hexi Quilts including one giant flower garden QAYG = Di...