Triumphal Arches for Blogger's Quilt Festival Fall 2017

It is time for Blogger's Quilt Festival hosted by Amy at Amy's Creative Side . There are lots and lots of yummy beauties to behold already up on the page so I hope you go check them out! I have been busy with a house remodel for the last several months and have not hardly looked at my sewing machine much less worked on anything...... BUT I can share a quilt or two that I did earlier this year so I feel like I am still part of the quilting world. One of my all time favorite pieces I made and photographed is my all scrap " Triumphal Arches " quilt. 46 x 40 Improv pieced with solid scraps Memories of the beautiful arches from a trip to Italy. back is one fabric not pieces but the colors work so great with the front and I really dig that arch I found to take my quilt on.