The way to use the last two 2018 quilt scrappy

I should have been making more holiday presents or finishing ufo or phd projects I got distracted by an overflowing bag of neutral scraps and I have time to make something and use up some of these scraps before the end of the year don't I? :) I gallon zip lock bag full of bits Sew similar pieces together to make strips Cut up a bunch of scrap batting too but forgot to take a pic of the stack of 30 pieces I was able to cut out of batting bits from other quilts. Decided on a red accent strip to try to make this scrap quilt a little more modern. Way more dark strips than light in this one. I am sure I will use the low volume up in other projects I have in my head right now. and the big reveal....... "Electric Slide" a scrap quilt approx. 53 x 63 scrap strips and scrap batting QAYG method with accent sashing glue baste method I think the red accent fabric and placing all...