Patchwork in the Park

Deconstructed Windmill quilt from the Modern Patchwork magazine by Gosnia click HERE Notice I tried to recreate her park bench photo shoot. :) I love the colors in this one. I used an Ikea backing and it was pretty thick but I love it so much. I did have trouble quilting as the top wanted to pucker up. I had it pin basted but then gave up and tore out the quilting and then tried glue baste but it did the same thing. So it is done but I am not so happy with it. I thought by now my quilting would be smooth and straight. Still not happening. Below is my crosscut from the week long IG quilt along by Debbie at A Quilter's Table I am working on the quilting right now but that is giving me some fits too. I will keep at it.....sigh Linking up Confessions of a Fabric Addict for can I get a whoop whoop friday!