Hey There Foxy!

I recently purchased this super cute Fox pattern from my friend Lorna @SewFreshQuilts because I thought it would make a great kids quilt. Who would not be cheered by a little red fox? Lorna has many patterns and they are so fun I know you will want to try one. *note: she did not pay me to praise her quilts they are just that fun! I wanted to snap some pics out on the park trail because we really do have a fox that frequents our neighborhood. This guy is part of my year end sewing. I made a few gifts but I didn't want to forget about making a couple quilts for sick kids in need of comfort at my area hospitals. I sew from time to time for a local chapter of Lincoln Quilts for Kids . I am sure there is a chapter near you too if you would like to contribute your time. The group usually has kits made up all ready to sew so all you need is your machine, supplies and batting to complete a small quilt. Earlier this year, the QFK...