Sisters to the rescue

I have been feeling like I am not getting much done these days. I get a spurt to finish a UFO and then I think I am going to ride the wave of accomplishment and then....nada! I am working on a couple slow big stitch pieces and they are sloooooow going.haha. I was feeling the need to accomplish something for good so I arranged a sisters gathering around one sisters birthday. 4 of us got together with machines in tow and put together the blocks I had buried a while back. I had 3 kits from Quilts for Kids ready to go. One actually was a kit from the local organization that a fellow quilter could not get to so she gave it back to me. Instead of returning it undone I decided to get r dun and make 2 more kits up and finish from my stash pile. Simple quilting to finish. These are the blocks from a tutorial by Cluck Cluck Sew I love to use because it is so versatile. My yard is torn up a bit but managed some so so pics. :) After all that I sat down and enjoyed some...