H2H -Hometown Hero plus 1- To be a star

67 x 72 pattern by Tony Jacobson Quilted by my friend Steph Jacobson I really wanted to give a quilt to a 'Hometown Hero' as part of Sarah's quilt drive for Hands to Help 2021 (@ confessions of a fabric addict) I made a baby quilt for Little Lambs which you can see HERE . My mission now was to figure out how to find a hero for this quilt. Before Covid in my lqg I was assigned a quilt partner, sort of a mentor/mentee kind of thing. I knew my partner worked at a local hospital and so I reached out to her to see if she knew someone on staff that needed a little love and comfort, not to mention a pat on the back for tireless work well done! Well she thought of someone right away. My lovely quilt partner Jean on the L and our honoree on the right, Nina Redl the hospital chaplain. Nina worked throughout covid last year going from patient to patient attending to their families and coordinating resources for communication on ipads or whatever was neede...