Working my way to a small finish

So....not much has been new in my neck of the woods lately. I have been working on remodeling our kitchen and dining room. The work has been fun and will be great in the end but also exhausting. I have little time or energy for sewing or reading. Now some deadlines are looming and I am having to switch gears and get to some things that are important. A few months ago Debbie @ A Quilters Table hosted a Improv Stripes QAL and I so wanted to join in. I had some leftover scraps from my local guild and decided to work with them and make a pillow size. I was limited to the scraps so had to add and arrange accordingly. I think it turned out pretty great and more importantly I finished something for the first time in months. This pillow is getting donated to Friends of the International Quilt Study Center and Museum ART Market coming in November. So yep....a finish... yay baby!! Linking up with Let's Bee Social @Sew Fresh ...