Sundown on the scraps
This is the last bits of scraps from the big bag I decided to tackle. My lqg had an improv challenge and I was not going to participate because I have several improv projects already started that would not qualify for the challenge. However, when I was working on my scrap bag, I had these few that sort of looked good together. I was just stripping them with no real plan and then in the bottom of the scrap bag was a circle already turned back in the yellow/gold fabric I had used in the strips....Fortunate? I think so. ha You might think no after you read the poem I came up with below. I am not a writer of anything and I don't like to read out loud things I have written but I did at my guild the other night...who knows why? Sundown on Scraps I see you staring back at me, from the far back corner of the room. Ignored and chastised for your girth And cursed at when I dig through you, for giving birth. Endless times I attempt to sew you only to create more fluff. I surely can ge...