Sundown on the scraps

This is the last bits of scraps from the big bag I decided to tackle. My lqg had an improv challenge and I was not going to participate because I have several improv projects already started that would not qualify for the challenge. However, when I was working on my scrap bag, I had these few that sort of looked good together.  I was just stripping them with no real plan and then in the bottom of the scrap bag was a circle already turned back in the yellow/gold fabric I had used in the strips....Fortunate? I think so. ha

You might think no after you read the poem I came up with below. I am not a writer of anything and I don't like to read out loud things I have written but I did at my guild the other night...who knows why?

Sundown on Scraps

I see you staring back at me,

from the far back corner of the room.

Ignored and chastised for your girth

And cursed at when I dig through you,

for giving birth.

Endless times I attempt to sew you

only to create more fluff.

I surely can get to the end someday,

but the road seems long and rough.

Today I set a goal 

with you in mind

sort by length and then divide.

The pieces varied short and long,

the piles trimmed and in some order

became quilt tops and  backs

and a  border.

Finally I see the bottom clearly.

It took days and I am weary.

8 quilts later, I proudly say..

The sun is going down on this bag of scraps today.

Oh Joy, I conquered you I shout!

I open the closet door to tuck away the empty bag

And just that quick

Another bag of scraps comes tumbling out.

The end...ha

So here are some of the 8, well actually Sundown on scraps makes 9 pieces from this bag. 
First 4 I shared Here 

and I shared the bigger strippy throw HERE

Last 3 from the bag: 
Strippy fronts....
It has been super windy here today, and the last two days we had rain so I had to hang these up inside. 
Strippy backs and the one just has a strip back border (writers liberty for my poem)
Even my Sundown piece has a strippy back. 

After making all of these I had tons of batting bits I trimmed off.

 I saw a post on sustainable quilting and a gal (I didn't get her name or link, sorry) made these  denim leg pillows for the homeless. I help to make what is called u.g.l.y. quilt (more like sleeping bags)  for homeless. We put pillows in with the sleeping bag. We also put in a hygiene bag filled with products.  So I took some old teeshirts and made into kit bags like this one below. 

I have made quite a few of the denim leg pillows but my first time making kit bags. I made up 5 and used various trims and ribbons and cord for the drawstrings. I think I used a few thing that have been in my sewing room collecting dust. Like when is the last time you used premade mauve piping? haha

All in all this has been a productive project. Plus I emptied a big scrap bag. Like my poem though, I do have more scrap bags and I will persevere knowing that I can empty them one at a time. 

How many scrap bags do you have laying around?

2023 Quilt parade:

Scrappy strips throw
2 scrap bag strip set quilts
2 More Baby Hexi Quilts including one giant flower garden
QAYG = Diatom scrap quilt
1 and 2 more Hexi Baby quilts
1,2, and 3 more Hexi Babies
Scrap use = Chain of Sunshine
#2 UFO = Scrap Coins
Gallery show piece: O Prairie Girl
P.Q 14.4 #1 = Novel -My Jane pillow
P.Q 14.2 = pink Tumbling tower of pink
P.Q 14.1 = QCR apple core

Linking up with Wendy's Peacock Parade
Nina Maries Off the wall
From Bolt to beauty with  Michelle
Powered by Quilting
Can I get a Whoop whoop @ Confessions of a fabric addict
For the love of geese What's under your foot


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