Doubles anyone?

I decided to keep the momentum going after last weeks P.Q. season 12 one week challenge. If you don't know about Project Quilting you can see my entry HERE I make outreach quilts for a group I have mentioned many times over the years...Quilts for Kids. I try to make at least one a month if I can. Last year I was sidelined but luckily had many to give before I had to take a break from quilting. These two heart quilts are from a pattern by Caroline at SewCanShe and the pattern is free HERE I get her newsletters and it came up the other day in my mail and the size was right for QFKs. I started cutting up my stash and realized it might be just as easy and fast to make 2 at one time. Quickly and I mean quickly I had to tops done. They measure approximately 42" x 42" I have not quilted anything that big in quite a while and sort of forgot how to use my domestic machine and even how to sandwich a quilt. The first one I used a serpentine di...