Scrappy Corner bits and a Pieced Heart

First up, my scrappy corner bits quilt is done. I love how the different color solid square background adds interest to all the scrappy rainbow bits. Up close of my happy design element! can you tell what I did? My pics today were either too sunny or too dark. Oh well, this quilt makes me happy. All the colored triangle bits are left over (throw-away) binding cut offs. 40 x 46 inches approx. diagonal straight line quilting through each block ...and one of my stash backings I have had for a while. Colors in it are perfect! So fun! Next up is a quilt I made for a graduating h.s. great niece. I have no idea what she will think. This is the "Piece and Love" quilt by The Cloth Parcel 70" x 81" I ordered the kit for this a while ago from Craftsy..when they 'were' Craftsy. I think the colors are fun and modern. I am hoping that will appeal to my g.Niece. Also she is planning to go into some kind of healthcare so I think she might like this. The heart p...