Some summer odds and ends

Lots of summer happenings that may or may not involve quilting. I had a great nephew get married, another great niece had twin girls. My quilt buddies got together to experience bingo night! I picked mulberries on a trail. Cleaned up and rearranged sewing area at church. Took a load of sleeping bags to CCS. Went fishing at the pond. Walked 4.5 miles in the National Eucharist Pilgrimage walk across the country. Saw a cool plastic quilt art display at the IQM. Experienced a Zuchetta! (the long skinny one) Made two blocks for the LMQG community quilt Learned how to make "Splarn" Tried making cottage cheese flat bread. Super yummy but sadly still sensitive to dairy h ere. Went to Cloisters on the Plain to pray the Stations of the Cross. The coral T.O.M. (technique of the month) made a few years ago with the guild was given to a local area retreat center to raise money for them in their annual auction. So happy it found a home. This is a few of my summer adventures. Next up...