Quickie Quilt thanks to Accuquilt

and fellow lqg member Steph.  

Turning in circles
approx. 38 x 48
stash fabric 
walking foot and free motion
Steph taught a quick HST class.  We were to let the hst's be random.  I think it fell together nicely. 

I started with a FQ pack of 5 and added a few more from my stash. The Elizabeth Hartman butterfly fabric was perfect for the backing. 

There were 3 offset groups of hst's that formed an hourglass square so I chose to feature those three with circle quilting. Two were done with walking foot and then I decided to try the free motion foot and just wing it. :) Large pebbles filled in the rest. 

I really like how the colors worked together and a few more pieces got relegated to the smaller scrap bin.  This will go to Quilts for Kids charity. 

Lastly I forgot to share my new favorite recipe. I decided to make a carrot cake for Easter. I found a recipe that is grain free, gluton free, processed sugar free and dairy free. It was made with a coconut cashew cheese frosting. Yes I made nut cheese to sub for cream cheese...and guess what? It was good and liked by all even those who didn't need to follow the restrictions.  Bonus!!! I will be making this again. 

Linking up with Let's Bee Social and NTT thursday with Kelly and a thank you to her for featuring my Under the Rug Quilt from last week!! :)
and Crazy mom Quilts finish it friday


Ann said…
Many things to like: the colors, the random layout which is always a challenge for me, the overlapping spirals, the pebbles. What a good job. Congratulations.
Mary Marcotte said…
Love your quilt! But honestly, carrot cake is one of my favorites...I'm going to be trying this one at our next big gathering. It's sometimes difficult to find one recipe to fit everyone's dietary needs. And Coconut Cashew Cheese frosting? What could possibly be better?
Mary Marcotte said…
One more thing: I can't find the recipe. Is there a link that I'm not seeing? Or could you email it to me at mary.marcotte@gmail.com.

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