WIP Wed -where does time go?

I dug through my stash and found some pieces that sort of go together with my new block. I really like how they came together. Now I am deciding if I should piece in a cornerstone or not. hmm???
Time seems to be flying by and not much sewing happening.  So keep on keepin' on. ;)

Linking up with WIP Wed with Lee @ Freshly Pieced
Let's Bee Social with Lorna @ SewFreshQuilts Let's BEE social


mb-RI said…
What a great block! I love the color combinations. Bright and fun!
Ann said…
Wow. Such a bright, cheerful block. Those with the orange/blue/pink/white wiggly stripes remind me of the New Mexico sun logo. Great fabric choices!
Sharon said…
This is so fun! I love the hot pink
Heidi said…
POP! What a great showoff fabric for these blocks. I like the small cornerstone & it may help your quilting design too.
Wendy said…
they are fab blocks, great colours
Lorna McMahon said…
Your blocks are looking super, Kris! This is going to be a gorgeous piece. I think the corner stone adds interest and will pull the design together nicely!
Melissa said…
Great blocks! I think cornerstones would be great!

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