WIP - Elegant Curves

I was faced with a challenge last week that I had no spare time for. Even though I would not get it done for the deadline of the challenge I wanted to complete this table runner anyway. I will be showing a demo on the Quick Curve ruler next week and wanted one simple piece from the book One Wonderful Curve by sewkindofwonderful.  
I changed up the layout and block number to accommodate my fabric and color choices to go with.  Will I always love grunge fabric? I think so.....

 One of my goals this year for myself was to try more dense quilting that is not matchstick.  I had fun with this but I chose to backstitch instead of bury my threads and I should have not done that.  I have a knot button on my machine but still have to bury the ends so I am curious to what most of you do?

For fun I took this on my front door. I love how the soft light shines through. 

Linking up with WIP Wed @ Freshly pieced and 
Let's Bee Social at Sew Fresh Quilts


the zen quilter said…
Love it - the colors are really rich and pretty. Great job.
Kitty said…
This is beautiful! Tough question on the thread end question. I'm still torn and I often use different methods in the same quilt (I promise I'll decide on the "best" one someday and use just that). Depending on the use and how perfectionist I want to be, I change up my ending method. If it's for a quilt that is meant to be loved and dragged around and not perfect, I backstitch and use the knot and thread cutting button on my machine. If it's for a quilt that I really want to look perfect, I'll leave long tails and knot and bury threads myself.
Alison V. said…
This looks awesome! As much as I can, I try to start on the edge so I can trim off the thread or hide it in the binding.
Wendy said…
Ooooooh, THAT's what that button is for! Janome calls it a lock stitch but it just makes a knot!
Sewmotion said…
Beautiful quilting, I know what you mean about sewing in your ends, I don't enjoy doing it, but when I'm done I'm glad I bothered!
Jen said…
Your quilting turned out great and I love your color choices on this, too! I've had the same question about how to finish off the threads. I don't like how backstiching looks but I hate burying the threads by hand.

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