Jan One monthly goal

In the spirit of not putting too much pressure on myself I decided to join One monthly goal at Elm Street Quilts. Basically you pick one thing to finish this month and blog about it and link to party. Then at the end of the month you link your finished blog post. One item. That works for me. 
I am going to start with a simple project I started in Nov at my lqg sew day. 

We brought some orphan blocks and we sewed and cut and sewed and cut and made something else. I think this is pretty fun so I am going to run with it. 


Patty said…
That is an awesome quilt top. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck on your project.
Bonnie said…
Very neat block. Hope you get your goal accomplished.
Sophie Zaugg said…
The process looks like fun and the result is very interesting ! Good luck with you goal !

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