Projects and other daily distractions.......

So here we are almost to the end of the first month of 2018. I do not have much to show for it because I have spent most of my time keeping my head calm and my body together.   The year did not start out the way I thought it would. I avoided most planning endeavors and goal setting activities. These things I have looked forward to in the past, Until they n-e-v-e-r turned out the way I had planned. When it comes to quilting that is not a bad thing, but when it happens over and over in daily life then...not so much! 
It is not all doom and gloom around here though.  I have been attempting simple yoga for 26 days in a row now.  Go Me!!!!  I am slowing finishing kitchen/dining remodel last bits and I have cleared some things out of my mind that I just do not have to do. Saying 'no' has been the hardest but I am trying to stick to it. 
I am adopting a theme when it comes to sewing, quilting/making. It stems from my mom when she felt she always should be doing something.  Could be a bit of the "idle hands" scripture or could be that she never had time for doing nothing. 

I have tons of fabric and tons of scraps and several rulers and patterns that I have never used. Magazines and flyers and online saves and pinterest pics and for what? I know that I do get lots of inspiration from all the things I see and the places I have been but to what end. I think I just need to Make Something. 

Anyone else feel bogged under by what we all have stacked up around us? I don't care if I am taking time to make a masterpiece or if I just have a few minutes to sew a few scraps together. I just want to make something and use what I have or find a better home for it. I am not declaring a stop to buying anything new. I just want to creatively make what I have.  
Surely I am not alone?? thoughts?


Robby said…
I get what I call "New Project Paralysis" or NPP. I have so many ideas saved, plus things I like but want to adapt that it gets hard to choose what to make next sometimes. And yes, "Just Do It!" is what I need to do. With that in mind, I'll encourage you to also get started on something.. anything that appeals.
Kris said…
Thanks Robby H. Just saying this outloud (posting) helped me move forward. I quickly did a crib sized project for a challenge and I am going to post about it also. It is like any move helps break that paralysis!! I hope you can do the same and keep me posted.

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