Hands 2 Help finished

Here is my 2nd annual finish for Hands 2 Help hosted this year by Mari @ The Academic Quilter

This is the Scrappy 4 squares quilt I came up with. It is one of 2 quilts I am sending to my choice of charity

For more info on joining in or just to see how this works you can check out the link above to The Academic Quilter. 

More about my process on making the scrappy 4 squares below. 

Here is the block I played with:
I showed some playing around with it in a previous post. I started with a color block in the center. In this case mine were 6". I then sewed random strips of fabric together. I tried to make sure they were wide enough to cut approximately 2 -2.5" strips out of each slab of fabric strips. 

I used EQ to play a layout. 

In real life this was pretty scrappy overload. I think it would have been fine but I wanted it to be a tiny bit bigger. So that is why I added the color strips in the center. I think it is okay and it made the finished quilt 42" x 42". 

You can see why I thought it was verrrryyy busy! I think it would make a fine scrappy quilt though. 

I have been really slow lately working on quilting. I am torn between working in the yard and in the house. We redid our front steps to our house and had lots of dirt we didn't need so we made a berm in the backyard. Now that spring is finally here I have had to work on that between the thunderstorms and high wind days. Finally it is coming together so I got back to quilting this charity quilt so I can post and get in mail soon. 

I also finished a small table runner using my QCR by Sew kind of wonderful.

Super fun project and I did some free motion quilting on it. That remains a bit sketch but I finished so Yay!

I took an online class with my friend Jen insetting shapes into fabric. So much fun. Class was taught by Carolina Oneto

I made a super cute project bag for a quilt friend for her birthday. 

I guess all in all I have done a little bit this month. Seems like it is just flying by. 
I hope you are having some great spring weather where you are and sewing lots of fun things. 

Forgot to add the really soft colored baby star quilt. 

It is simple and sweet!

Linking up with NTT with Kelly HERE 
linking up with Hands2Help final party HERE


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