
WIP is a finished ufo

This is from another BOM last year at SewCanSheSewcialities. I loved the star in a star in a star idea and kept going until it measured about 48" square.  I actually finished it last night but it was too dark to get any photos. I was just so motivated to get another UFO off the pile.   I love the backing fabric almost as much.  Linking up with WIP Wed @  Freshly Pieced and with Lorna @  Let's Bee Social - Sew Fresh Quilts and day 6/31 of blog writing  Challenge and  HERE

O Tannenbaum.......

  Yep, singing that all afternoon while I made these fun paper-pieced trees!! Now it is in your head too isn't it?  :) I started these trees after a lqg meeting late last year. I made three right away and then sat down with an old phone book and made 13 more papers to use and promptly but it all away.  Today I was inspired to get them out and make up at least the other 13. I had a system and they went together really quickly.  I highly recommend the quarter inch ruler. That was so easy to lay that down and let the lip of the quarter inch cup over my folded pieces.    Now what is this going to become? Lots of wonky pieces were trimmed off the trees and it would be fun to wonky this up a bit.....maybe.....idk.  Off to tear the papers off and will see what I dream up over night.  Love this texture so will see what  come up with. 5/31 days of blog writing challenge

Bye bye boat blocks

So happy to finish up these boat blocks. I originally made 4 - 24" blocks back with SewCanShe Sewcialities  was doing a BOM. I  have to say it makes for a quick baby quilt finish once you have the 24" boat done.  Now it is time to work on something different for a bit.  Day 4/31 days of blog writing

Channeling Victoria Findlay Wolfe

So many of you quilty people have probably  read the C and T publishing post where you can ask questions about their authors. If you are lucky your question will be answered. Well, Jane Combs asked How does Victoria Findlay Wolfe do it all? Victoria answered with how her days usually go.  read article here Many of my friends, and myself,  took away from this post that we are totally and unforgivably lazy do nothings!  Well..... that might be a little over dramatic! I need to brutishly look at how I spend my days. ha First off....not to worry...some of Victoria's work she has help with.  Well, me too, if I play my cards right.  Since today is Saturday I figured I could channel a little VFW today and see what happens.  The biggest help I have it is to be left alone bright and early to get organized. No problem. Hubby gets up between 5 and 6 a.m. and generally leaves around 7 for work.  I got up and took my meds giving me 30 minutes to do something before I have to have a shot of

Finish frenzy

Finally grabbed something off my UFO pile and got it done today.  Woot! This one was some miscellaneous fabric I cut out in a tumbler cut to make for a Quilts for Kids quilt. The layout of this quilt is to use a panel fabric or a big design fabric in the big open space and then add the tumblers. This is kind of crazy bright and bold but I am sure someone will love it.  I had to take the picture out of the wind so you really can't see how bright this is but trust me! Did a simple mum flower freemotionquilting on it. The bonus is I used up some of the fabric I have in my stash and that is always a good thing.  I am linking up with Amanda Jean @ Crazy Mom Quilts Day 2 of 31 days of blog writing! HERE

31 days of blog

  Taking the 31 day Blog writing Challenge sponsored by  CHERYL SLEBODA   HERE . Why? I keep asking myself. I have hardly been able to blog, hardly been able to create but I feel a tiny bit of motivation taking this on. Don't you do that sometimes? Jump into something before your rational mind takes over and talks you out of it?   I might have nothing to say or nothing to show but I am going to get motivated and play and see what happens.  Just the thought of doing this today made me get into my sewing room and work on an improv name tag.  This is a scrappy improv pieced name tag.  Bad picture but you get the idea. I made it into a pouch so that you can put business cards or raffle money or whatever in the pouch.  Also earlier this week I made this scrappy selvage small zipper bag.  I added a bead zipper pull just because I have tons of beads and wanted something fun. All scrappy bits, batting bits and lined. Used my tutorial on quilt as you go  HE

Odds and Ends in Fits and Starts!

  A little bit of fun at my lqg sewing day: Hootie and Blowfish are chicken pincushions. I love how they turned out.  photo by Taura Horn I was having trouble staying focused on things. My lqg is making a outreach quilt for a family that will be moving into a new home by Habitat for Humanity next year.  We collected d9p blocks from our members and then worked on it for a few days.  This was so much fun to work on but it wore me out. My own projects have been suffering. Another lqg I am in met at Accuquilt for our meeting and we had use of the Studio cutters for some fun.  I gathered up some fabrics and cut and cut and cut. Here is one piece I actually completed.  It is a long skinny wall runner and it perfectly depicts the weather right now. I wanted to 'try' to be creative so I came up with the idea to stitch a saying in the binding with my machine. After careful planning I STILL stitched it too close to the center of the binding so I had to fold it