Friendship, Procrastination and Cuddles

rsz_1friendship_button_small FINAL It was time to post about the last block of our Supernova Friendship Block swap a week ago....sigh (top two are mine, bottom two are Jens)
I am just now getting around to posting the pic! My now, "good" friend Jennifer from Jennifer under the juniper tree thankfully, has already posted our finished blocks. Proof, that yes indeed I had my block done AND we actually made extra blocks so that our quilts would be 12 blocks instead of 10.  Jen could not make herself put one of the blocks on the back. I agree! This was so fun and I am so thankful to have met up with Jen.

Our sharing friendship question this month was on unexpected blessings in our lives. I have to say this experience with Jen has been that and more! You just never know what you might find in a neighborhood near you. Jen doesn't live very far from me so this has been a double blessing in disguise. I hope we do lots more quilting things after the quilts are done.

Here we are at that Luke Haynes talk.  (incase you missed it) fun is that? Jen is to the L and yummy Luke and me) :P

I am confessing that I have been unmotivated to do much work on all my projects. I have not felt the best health-wise and my husband has not either. We are just getting through the days. It started me thinking about the talk around the blog-universe about selfish sewing. I know there is a time when you have to have a break and make or do something for yourself. Also, there is a time when you have to reach outside yourself and do something for others.

Since my sewing has been on the slow burner I thought if I picked up a couple quilt sandwiches from my quilt guilds cuddle quilt program I could just do some sort of mindless quilting. I am happy to say I finished one this morning.  yeah!

This is a scrap quilt I am sure from donations. I just put the flannel on the back and quilted it with a simple serpentine stitch and my walking foot. It feels good to be stitching again even though my projects are stacked a mile high.

Linking up with
 Lorna @ Let's bee social

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced  Freshly PIeced WIP WEd


Katharine Yates said…
I love your supernova blocks! it has been fun seeing everyone's quilts come together. I love the colors and grey background you used.
Sharon said…
Loving your bee blocks! What a neat block and fun to piece. Hope you feel better soon! Do more "selfish"sewing (-:
molly b quilts said…
I really like your blocks. With the dark background and the bright colors it reminds me of fireworks. Very cool! Thanks for sharing.
Wendy said…
the blocks look great! I don't think you can call it selfish quilting when it's for charity, but good for you for doing what you feel like rather than what you feel you should do.
Emily Carnes said…
That is beautiful! Good to hear that you are getting back into some crafting. It is good for the soul!

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