SuperNova Friendship swap - Finish ALYoF

I can't help it ...this quilt makes me smile!  My swap partner Jenn Jennifer under the Juniper Tree (her post on her version is up so go check it out) and I finished our quilts. We made them big and bright and scrappy and they are finished. Did I say that already??? Both of us finished! Okay, enough.


The swap was the brainchild of Stephanie from Late Night Quilter and Sandra from One Million Stitches. The challenge swap ends Feb 14 and Lee Heinrich herself from Freshly PIeced and the designer of the SuperNova will be the judge.

Now more pics:

There is a little up close view of the straight line grid quilting using aurifil in 2600 again!

Lastly I leave you with this picture (dig the sun going down sprinkling light on the blocks!!!) of my SuperNova with a factory in the back ground and little note from the NASA website as to
 "What is a SuperNova"? A supernova is the explosion of a star. It is the largest explosion that takes place in space

"Where do SuperNovas take place"? Supernovas are often seen in other galaxies. But supernovas are difficult to see in our own Milky Way galaxy because dust blocks our view. In 1604, Johannes Kepler discovered the last observed supernova in the Milky Way. NASA’s Chandra telescope discovered the remains of a more recent supernova. It exploded in the Milky Way more than a hundred years ago.

Learn something new everyday! :) I will be linking up with the flickr group for the SuperNova Swap Finishes soon.
and WIP Wed with Lee @FreshlyPieced
Let's Bee Social with Lorna @SewFreshQuilts and
with Kelly @Needle and Thread Thursday and
Amanda Jean @ Crazy Mom Quilts

Linking up with alyof2015HERE
my original goal post is HERE

Just thought I would mention that I just found out last night that Jen and I won the SuperNova Friendship Swap and you can read about it HERE


Anonymous said…
Beautiful! I absolutely love the dark grey background!
Lorna McMahon said…
Oh, I am blown away! Your SuperNova quilt is simply gorgeous, Kris. I love how the dark background makes the rainbow of colours shine. And the quilting is such a compliment to the design. The backing is as fun as the front! What a fabulous finish!
Claire said…
Great quilt, but also great photography.
Congratulations on getting your supernova swap done and completing the quilts! Lovely!
Tanyia said…
Beautiful!! I love the colors and the back is so pretty! Stopping by from Lee's hop
I am doing the happy dance for you and Jennifer!!!! What a gorgeous finish. Thank you so much for participating in this project. It's been so much fun.....
Ann said…
I have loved this quilt since the first time I saw the mock-up. It's just gorgeous!
Allison said…
Really great colors! The dark background makes everything pop. I have this one on my Pinterest board... may have to think about it as a next project.
Anonymous said…
The colors on this quilt are stunning! Fantastic finish!!
It is amazing! ♥ your quilt!
Carla said…
Kris, I really love this. Your colors are so bright and your pictures of it are to die for. You had me at "big and bright and scrappy."
Awesome quilt. Love the bright colors and dark background.
Jen said…
Hooray for us! I just love this quilt, it makes me smile too!!
Katharine Yates said…
I love it! The colors really pop against the background. Congrats on finishing!
Pieces of Time said…
Your quilt makes me smile, too!! I love all you bright colors.
Jane in KS
CapitolaQuilter said…
Fabulous especially with that choice of gray for the background - I used a much lighter one on mine during the original QAL with Lee. Fun photo shoot and bit of facts to end your post with. Happy Stitching
Jayne said…
I love it! Gorgeous and bright! So well done!
Jessica said…
This came out SO lovely. The colors just burst right off the quilt! Beautiful job!
That is a very happy quilt with all the bright colours!! They pop beautifully on the grey background. It's perfect :)

Mary said…
Love everything about your quilt!
SarahZ said…
Okay the quilt is gorgeous!!! And the photos are just great, too! I especially love the one on the double run of chain link fence!! And what a clever way to hang it up! You all have done a super job with your quilts!!!
Sandy Panagos said…
That really looks great. Congrats on your finish. Love the snow photos.

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