Tribal Lands
Tribal Lands - 36 x 36"
Just looking at the multi sashing stash I kept thinking it felt Seminole like. I started using just bits to create a landscape. Plots of lands, trees, craggy pieces for rocks and off in the distance some mountains. In the forefront I was going for rich dark earth being sectioned off and farmed and a valley with waterfall. Way off in the distance the flying geese. The best part for me was doing the diagonal quilting. I used clear thread on top. I liked the lines and finished it with a facing instead of binding. Finished size is just at 36" x 36".
This quilt was put together by just cutting strips and piecing. I really didn't measure much just sewed and cut to fit whatever feel. I do wonder if it is a good entry for the challenge as many did abstract pieces or used their sashing stash as a print fabric and just cut it up. I think now that it is done I just like it for what it is.
Linking up with Lorna @ Let's Bee Social