Tribal Lands

Tribal Lands - 36 x 36"

So ........I had to come up with something for the Riley Blake Sashing Stash fabric since I signed up for it through the Modern Quilt Guild and then when it came I gave it to another member. So thinking about it I went to lqs and bought a bit of it. Then what to do..?  I had to go online and order some RB fabric solids since I could not find any local. So with all that effort you would think I had some idea of what I was going to do. That would be a big fat..NO! ha

Just looking at the multi sashing stash I kept thinking it felt Seminole like. I started using just bits to create a landscape. Plots of lands, trees, craggy pieces for rocks and off in the distance some mountains.  In the forefront I was going for rich dark earth being sectioned off and farmed and a valley with waterfall. Way off in the distance the flying geese. The best part for me was doing the diagonal quilting. I used clear thread on top.  I liked the lines and finished it with a facing instead of binding. Finished size is just at 36" x 36". 

This quilt was put together by just cutting strips and piecing. I really didn't measure much just sewed and cut to fit whatever feel.  I do wonder if it is a good entry for the challenge as many did abstract pieces or used their sashing stash as a print fabric and just cut it up.  I think now that it is done I just like it for what it is. 

Linking up with Lorna @ Let's Bee Social 


Lisa J. said…
It looks great and I love the quilting.
Debbie said…
I think it's terrific and very unique!
Jen said…
I really love the colors you used and the medallion design and I like that you didn't chop the sashing pieces into bits!
the zen quilter said…
You know, when I first saw those fabrics I wasn't too excited about them, but all you guys have really inspired me. I didn't enter this year - no time, but I'm loving seeing what everyone else has come up with. Thanks for sharing.
Cut&Alter said…
I love how you have used this fabric and the finished result is gorgeous. Really like the way you have made the borders so dynamic.
Mary Marcotte said…
I can envision all of the things you mention: trees, farming, mountains, geese. They are all there. The colors support the abstract idea and look great together. In this case using nature as design inspiration truly works.

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