"Triumphal Arches" a Curvy Challenge

Triumphal Arches
46 w x 40 h
LMQG Curves Ahead Challenge
scrappy arch curves

I love arches. Many years ago when I went to Italy I just loved seeing arches, looking through arches at other things but most of all I loved the free standing triumphal arches.   My local guild had a challenge that I led called Curves Ahead. The idea was to inspire trying curved piecing though we accepted curved applique and curved quilting also.  I have been making quite a few circle quilts using various techniques and decided now was the time to try the arch shape. All of the quilt was made up of just pieces in my scrap bins. I grabbed random colors and sewed the arches and then pieced and puzzled them in between my scrap strips. Very little trimming was involved.  I placed the pieces from dark to light giving the illusion of sun and shadow on the arches, just like my photo shoot below!!

I love the idea of Triumphal Arches and who knew I would actually find one near my neighborhood. Fortuitous I believe!! 

The back is just one piece of fabric I had in my stash. I thought the colors worked and the slabby stacks of colors looked like my scraps. 

See, there is something interesting about viewing arches, and viewing things through arches....don't you agree?  I had a little too much sun for these photos but I still like them. 

Linking up with Let's Bee Social with Lorna @SewFreshQuilts and Kelly at My quilt infatuation and Amanda Jean at Crazy mom quilts


Debbie said…
oh I love what you've done and so glad you blogged about it so I (we) could see it better. Lovely photoshoot too!
How fun that you found the arches to use for your photo shoot! Your quilt looks fantastic - I love all those curves.
Sandra Walker said…
That backing is totally perfect! I, too, love arches and doorways. The south of France is full of them, no surprise being a neighbour of Italy... Terrific shots of the quilt and isn't that something that you have a Triumphal arch right nearby!
Sue said…
Love the front, love the back and a great photo shoot as well. Lovely work!
Renee said…
Love the mix of colors and arches in this quilt! Looks like a fun project.
Kris, I love this so much! The colors are stunning. Beautiful layout.
grammajudyb said…
I'm curious how you attached the quilt to the brick wall? Lovely photos, by the way!
Even before I started reading your post, the picture made me think of arches right away. Beautiful quilt and photos!

Melanie said…
I love your arches! To me the quilt looks a bit like a village - half in sun half out. All those doors to lovely, friendly homes :)
Isn't that funny how certain shapes resonate with us? I enjoyed reading about your love of arches and seeing your beautiful quilt. Well done!

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