Grow'n Up

Another UFO off the stack!
This is "Grow'n Up"
81"x 81" approx
made of a collection of green scraps and fabrics with a pop of fuchsia pink which I love, QCR pattern by SewKindofWonderful called Green Smoothie found in the One Wonderful Curve book
quilted by Sonya Nelsen @GraceElizabeth's 

I searched for a corn background that I could take some photos. I found corn and non-blooming sunflowers at this location but also a early morning Utility worker doing his paperwork on the side of the road. I didn't really want to shoot with him watching so I drove around some more.  He stayed there so I decided to come back the next day and yep...there he was again. ha This time he headed off when I drove by really slow ;)

My plan was to hurry and get the photos before the sun broke through. I was cutting it pretty close. 

I have always loved the 'love' newspaper print and use it whenever I find it! If I remember right it is a print by Carrie Bloomstein for her Story collection called collage. 

I used the cut offs for the binding because I didn't want to waste all the greens from the back. I decided also to bind by hand to the back. I have had some pretty painful RA symptoms in my fingers and wrists so I knew this would be a bit of a challenge. I played around with how I normally hand sew and found by holding the quilt between my middle and index fingers I could keep the binding turned to where I wanted to sew. This took all the pressure off my thumbs from pinching the fabric tight. It worked for me!

So a few more pics.....while out and about I found a section of trail. Called my friend and fellow quilter Jen to come out and walk this end of the trail with me.

It was a super fun photoshoot and trail walk. 

Linking up with Kelly@NTT My Quilt Infatuation
Can I get a whoop whoop friday at Confessions of a Fabric addict
and Cheryl at Meadow Mist Designs Favorite Finish August


Anne-Marie said…
Your quilt is just gorgeous!
Beautiful finish and I'm SEW glad that you found a less painful method of hand binding!
Fabulous quilt and fun photo shoot. Looks like lovely path for a walk.
Preeti said…
Gorgeous finish. Sparkling!!!
Such fun photos! And the story of that goes with them!!! Love the quilt, of course--the real star! Fabulous use of scraps. And great quilting, too!
Debbie said…
Gorgeous quilt and love the quilt photo drama. Worth it!
Cindy said…
Love this quilt!!!!! So vibrant!!!!!
O'Quilts said…
Great job with happy quilt.
Jules said…
Love your quilt and I love that background fabric too! (Trust me, the utility guy didn't care if you were or weren't there!) When I need to hand bind again, I'll try to remember your tip. For now my 87 yo friend is delighted when I bring her binding!! Even my chiropractor has said that I need 2 thumb replacements! �� (Mine is from driving a combine to harvest corn, not quilting! But handwork just flares it up.)
Carol Andrews said…
What a beautiful quilt and fun photo shoot pictures. The lama made me chuckle 😉
Unknown said…
Very nice. Saw thus pattern done up in Bend, OR at Sisters 2019. You did a great job sewing and displaying your work.
Susan Smith said…
A lovely quilt in beautiful colours & what a fun photo shoot. I do like finding great places to do my photography too. Thanks for sharing & take care.
I absolutely love your lovely leafy quilt. What a fab quilt stand too. I usually try to drag along my husband or one of my kids when I need to get pictures of quilts.
I absolutely love this quilt the splashes of purple lift thegreens so much
Cheryl said…
This is so awesome, I love the scrappiness and the greens combined with the purples! Thanks for linking up to the Favorite Finishes Monthly Linkup Party!
wahidahullman said…
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