
Stuck but not stopped

Yesterday I finally made some progress on my Relay for Life auction quilt. I was a bit stuck. I had cut out 120 squares to finish off each Birdbath block and then join...however I did not like the fabric I had cut out. It was so blah. So I took a break.  I keep seeing +Pat Sloan talking about her UFO projects and how she is busting a move to get them done or get them out of her sewing room. I did  not have to look far to find a charity quilt top I had hanging on the rail in my dining room since October of last year. I just pulled out the backing and put the thing together and finished.  Yeah me! 1st charity quilt done for 2013.  Simple straight line quilting on the diagonal and then did a machine binding. (all the charity quilts I do require a machine stitched binding). Gosh, from this picture it almost looks like sewing machines but it is just a simple rail fence quilt. All scraps I had but it looks cute.  So after that break I came back to my BirdBath quilt and cut 120 new bl

To the finish line!

I am so excited!  I finished my first start to finish quilt...well wall-hanging today! I actually did if for a challenge quilt over at  where they are hosting "Project Quilting".  I admit I was a bit scared to join in but I put my thinking cap on and worked on it off and on all week and finished it today.  Season 4 # 1 challenge is A square in a square in a square.  Here is my entry: It is different sized squares inside strips to make squares, all pieced.  I tried a Sulky variegated  thread that is very shiny and changes from black to silver to sort of make it look like rain dripping down the window.  I call it Rear Window - Rain The winner is just random so it is fun just to challenge yourself with whatever comes to mind. I am glad I gave it a try.  In another note... voting is going on over at  on their show and tell fun page.  I entered a quilt I made for my mom that I showed in a previous post. Go ove

Sweet Caroline

If thoughts of Neil Diamond singing this song pops in your head right now, you are not alone. However, for me it brings fond memories of my mom this past year. Caroline of course is her name and she was indeed sweet. I learned all about sewing from her when I was very little, watching her make and create everything from clothes to quilts.  I started this blog because I hope to continue learning and doing and sharing. Since she passed away this last fall I miss my project sharing with her. In a way sharing with the world makes me feel like I am still showing her all that I am working on and doing.  "Sweet Caroline" is  the name I gave this quilt I made for her when she was moved to a nursing home in the spring of 2012.  It is a tumbler pattern made from a template she bought me.  I wanted to cheer up her room and show her that I could keep the learning of quilting going after she was gone.  I sort of did my own layout and added some fun little tumblers to the front

Operation Completion!

One UFO done! Back in the fall of 2011 I started this little wall hanging. I found the idea in a magazine and I wanted to try the sew and flip method. I had left over fabric from the baby quilt I made my great niece in purples and aqua, dug out some old scraps and cobbled it all together.  The FMQing is not all that but it is still cute.  Now back to the Birdbath quilt for Relay for Life. Here are the blocks so far. I like the blocks individually but not so happy with them right up against each other. It is supposed to have the corners added on yet to finish the birdbath but I think I will need to add sashing in order for me to like it. Even if it is just a 1/2" between them. hmmmmmmm??? Any thoughts? 

Dusting off that Serger

Sewing Clothing Challenge - Entry #1 Well I did it! I  pulled out some fabric from my stash, dusted off that old serger,  found an old pattern and I made myself a new pair of flannel pj's!! I am so excited.  My husband was sort of nagging me about how bad my old pair of flannel jammies were looking AND I really want to challenge myself this year to sew more!  The Sewing Clothing challenge has begun.  I am going to try to make one new thing for myself each month besides quilting this year.   Am I the only person who has tons of fabric in my stash that is not for quilting?  Well that was over 4 yards of flannel. My stash should look a tiny bit smaller. haha

Ahhh...Aurifil Thread

A while ago Aurifil had a slogan contest and my title was my slogan.  If you use Aurifil thread you probably know this already. It should have won but that is just my opinion.  Anyway, I love the way Aurifil lays flat when you press the seam open and when you quilt over it.  Alas, I was putting together my first round of strips on my 30 Birdbath blocks and I ran out. Luckily I scrounged around and found a new spool. :) I am using Aurifil Mako 2 ply thread to piece.  What threads do you like to use for piecing and or quilting?? Here is the first round of strips. One more set of corners and strips go around this square and then corners again. I am not sure how I am going to put it together yet but this is a see as you go along type project.  It is coming together nicely. 

Project for Relay auction started

Today I decided on the fabric for my Relay for Life quilt. My niece does a silent auction each year to raise money for Cancer research.  I have been trying to donate a quilt or something each year and this year I it will be a small quilt.  I am really excited with what I have picked out.  This time I started this idea with just the fabric and then looked around for a pattern that would suit.   This fabric is called Dogwood Trail by Moda. I just loved how fresh and lovely this fabric was. I found a couple coordinates to go with it then hit the scrap box of mine for the others. In the mean time I had to find a pattern.  Luckily I was just looking through some quilt books and then ...there it was.  The practical guide to Patchwork by Elizabeth Hartman has a beautiful pattern called "Birdbath". Perfect right? Well you will have to go look in the book or wait to see how I do. I had to find quite a few pieces to go with this but I think I have what it takes. Lots of s