Stuck but not stopped
Yesterday I finally made some progress on my Relay for Life auction quilt. I was a bit stuck. I had cut out 120 squares to finish off each Birdbath block and then join...however
I did not like the fabric I had cut out. It was so blah. So I took a break. I keep seeing +Pat Sloan talking about her UFO projects and how she is busting a move to get them done or get them out of her sewing room. I did not have to look far to find a charity quilt top I had hanging on the rail in my dining room since October of last year. I just pulled out the backing and put the thing together and finished.
Yeah me! 1st charity quilt done for 2013.
Simple straight line quilting on the diagonal and then did a machine binding. (all the charity quilts I do require a machine stitched binding). Gosh, from this picture it almost looks like sewing machines but it is just a simple rail fence quilt. All scraps I had but it looks cute.
So after that break I came back to my BirdBath quilt and cut 120 new blocks out of the backing fabric...and I like it much better.
I did not like the fabric I had cut out. It was so blah. So I took a break. I keep seeing +Pat Sloan talking about her UFO projects and how she is busting a move to get them done or get them out of her sewing room. I did not have to look far to find a charity quilt top I had hanging on the rail in my dining room since October of last year. I just pulled out the backing and put the thing together and finished.
Yeah me! 1st charity quilt done for 2013.
Simple straight line quilting on the diagonal and then did a machine binding. (all the charity quilts I do require a machine stitched binding). Gosh, from this picture it almost looks like sewing machines but it is just a simple rail fence quilt. All scraps I had but it looks cute.
So after that break I came back to my BirdBath quilt and cut 120 new blocks out of the backing fabric...and I like it much better.
I am already dreaming of how I can quilt this to do it justice. I am not skilled at FMQing so not sure what I will try. I am going to piece the backing today. Hopefully something will come to me.
