Persimon Dreams The final Challenge

Photo Here it is ...the Final Challenge. I don't know how to even go about telling Kim over at Persimon Dreams how much I have enjoyed participating in her Project Quilting this season. It has helped me get back into quilting and sewing which I was not sure I was even going to do again.  Last year in the spring, my Mom got sick and we ended up having to move her to a nursing care facility. She was 93 and lived by herself in a house across the road from our old farm.  Mom passed away and we buried her the day before her 94th birthday in the fall.  I learned almost everything I know about sewing from her and we shared a love of quilts. 

When I saw the Project Quilting challenge I felt I had to give it a go.  The challenges were just fun and no pressure on judging or even finishing.  My mom loved the t.v. show Project Runway and I think secretly wished she could do something like that. I just thought it would be a great tribute to her to participate and hopefully she has followed along all season with each of my projects. 

Okay...on the the final Fat Quarter shop fat quarter bundle challenge. 

Ta da!  "One Fish, Two Fish"
(wouldn't you know there was no sun today!)

I used all of the fabrics in the fat quarter bundle on the front but one. That one is on the back. 
It measures 42 x 34
Quilted with some organic lines to look like waves on the diagonal. Quilted with Mako #50 Aurifil thread in a blue gray. 
I used two additional fabrics in navy/white to make my water. 
Here is a better pic! (snapped just as the wind came up and pulled it out from the tape)
And the back, which I am betting my husband will like more than the front! :) He always does for some, nope he just told me the front is better this time! :/
I made my own pattern for the fish blocks. I made 3", 6", and 9" blocks for the fish.  One set of the fish are sort of improv with curvy cuts. The blocks were set on point as that fit the fish and so I had to set everything on the diagonal. The mixing of the background fabric was to give the idea of movement. 
The back I made one extra 9" fish in my favorite fabric and improv with the scraps for the rest plus the one fat quarter seashell piece that I did not use on the front. Bound with scraps of some of the pieces giving it all sort of a nautical feel. 

The end. Bitter sweet but therapeutic I think.  I am happy that I chose to participate in each of the six challenges plus this bonus challenge. I am also doing and planning to do some of the off season challenges too. 
So to Kim at Persimon Dreams, a Big BIG Thank you for hosting all of this!!


What great fishes! Nice job. I love the scrappy back too.
PersimonDreams said…
This is so wonderful! I'm so glad that PQ has helped you get into a better place and that you have continued on with these challenges! This makes me so happy to read!

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