WIP Wednesday ...so soon?

You know the old adage...the more you do the more there is to do? Well I have been getting lots done but the things I want to make and do keep growing.  I guess that is a good thing. I sure would hate it if I ran out of UFO's and random piles of fabric. ha...as if!

My WIP this week is for Le Challenge and this month the theme is "Wings". I have some new techniques I want to try out so I thought this month it might come together. ......I said "might"??

This is pretty crazy and wild fabric but I am hoping the trapunto I am going to try will calm it down. I think no matter what it is a good chance to try something new.  You will have to wait and see how it goes. The deadline for the challenge is the 15th of the month. Why don't you go over and check out the blog and give it a try yourself. 

I did finish my Skill Builder BOM Block ...well one of them from last month. I still have to quilt but believe me that will be the easy part. 
Also finished the Modern BOM 2 #2 block quilt. I think it turned out pretty well and not in colors I would pick so that makes it fun. The best part is that I followed a couple quilting tutorials and decided to try a mum flower quilting design free motion on my regular sewing machine. Not bad if I do say so myself. 

Linking up with Freshly Pieced WIP Wednesday


Beth said…
I couldn't agree more! I love the way those hexies are done.

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